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Profit And Loss Concept

Posted by Ravi Kumar at Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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In any business environment the most important concern is about profit or loss of the transaction conducted.

The money paid by a shopkeeper to buy goods is called the cost price(C.P.) of the
shopkeeper. The price at which he sells the goods is called the selling price(S.P.) of the shopkeeper.

If the selling price(S.P.) is greater than the cost price(C.P.) then the shopkeeper gets profit. Profit = Selling price - Cost price.

If the selling price is less than the cost price then the shopkeeper gets loss.
Loss = Cost price - Selling price.

4. For comparison of profit or loss obtained in different transactions, they are they are expressed percentages.
S.P = Selling price, C.P = Cost price,
P = Profit, L = Loss

Ratio of profit to cost price = P : C.P.
Percentage of profit = (P/c.p)*100.
Percentage of loss = (L/c.p)*100.



Md Razu Ahmed said...

If opportunities are limited at your present place of employment, consider changing jobs. Most of the time, when you switch jobs you’ll get a little bump in pay. Look for a company where you will have chances for advancement along with higher pay for the same work you are presently doing. Be willing to move to a different part of the country if the pay is higher for your profession and the cost of living is affordable.

While there is no simple way to double your income overnight,
the above suggestions can serve as guidelines for doubling your income in the shortest time possible.
These ideas, along with your hard work and dedication, will help your income increase.

double income
tripple income

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