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What I Think About Maths

Posted by Ravi Kumar at Thursday, March 5, 2009
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I have been studying mathematics since my childhood, but i was never asked about "what is maths?". Even i too never tried.
Today my neighbor who is studying 9th standard has asked me the question. At that time i had no answer to tell.

Really, what is maths?

There doesn't seem to be a clear cut, definitive answer. I'm happy about that. At this stage I'm writing down some things I have discovered so far. Not definitive, rather preliminary, but a start.

Maths is NOT about formulas and cranking out computations - or rather that's a very small part of maths.

Maths is about perceiving and acting in the world in an enhanced way, about perceiving the world in a different way and being able to act more powerfully within it.


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